
Watching Henry Grow.....

Lola Madelynn

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Good and the Bad!!

Go Tigers!!
My dad and John were planning on seeing Game 5
with Jason and I,
but they ended up seeing Game 4
and watch the final game of the ALCS.
World Series... Detroit Tigers! 

Lola's one month appt...
Lola was 10 lbs 11 oz (90th %)
22 inches long (75th %)
Dr said she is overweight and overfed
so we are now on a feeding schedule
and formula :(

This little boy has some tough love coming...
He is going to start going to bed awake,
no more rocking to sleep and no more walking him back to sleep in the middle of the night...
since we had Lola it has been crazy at night,
feeding her, walking him, feeding her, walking him...
DR said.... CRY IT OUT!!!
He did awesome last night!!

snuggling with Zoey...
ok, he is strangling her

Amy's baby...
Ben and Lovie Kitty!!


Verna said...

Wait... what? Were you breastfeeding Lola and he told you to stop?

Jill said...

I was doing formula too... because she was acting like she was still hungry after I breast fed her! So I decided to go to only formula to help keep her full longer! I was feeding her every hour!! Now I am every 3!!